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List of channels on MEO (Satellite)

From ViewersVault

The following is a list of channels available on the Portuguese IPTV and satellite provider MEO, as of November 2014.

Channel list

EPG No. Channel name Notes Owner/parent company Broadcast hours Format
1 RTP 1 Rádio e Televisão de Portugal 24 hours mixed 16:9 with 4:3 SDTV
2 RTP 2 Rádio e Televisão de Portugal 24 hours mixed 16:9 with 4:3 SDTV
3 SIC Impresa 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
4 TVI Media Capital 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
5 SIC Notícias Impresa 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
6 RTP Informação Rádio e Televisão de Portugal 24 hours mixed 16:9 with 4:3 SDTV
7 TVI 24 Media Capital 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
8 CM TV mixed news and entertainment channel Cofina 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
9 Sport tv + Impresa 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
10 SIC Mulher Impresa 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
11 TVI Ficção Media Capital 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
12 A Bola TV Vicra Desportiva 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
13 TVI Direct Channel off at times. Airs exclusive Secret Story content Media Capital varies 4:3 SDTV
14 Porto Canal mixed news, sports and entertainment channel FC Porto Media 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
15 Canal Q Produções Fictícias 11:00-04:00 16:9 SDTV
16 ETV HD Diário Económico 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
17 RTP Memória Rádio e Televisão de Portugal 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
18 RTP Madeira Available only in the Madeira islands. Airs RTP Informação during the downtime hours. Rádio e Televisão de Portugal 17:00-00:00 4:3 SDTV
19 RTP Açores Available only in the Azores islands. Airs RTP Informação during the downtime hours. Rádio e Televisão de Portugal 05:30-00:00 mixed 16:9 with 4:3 SDTV
20 SPORT.TV 1 Olivedesportos 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
21 SPORT.TV 2 Olivedesportos 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
22 SPORT.TV 3 Olivedesportos 12:30-02:00 16:9 SDTV
23 SPORT.TV 4 Olivedesportos 13:00-03:00 16:9 SDTV
24 SPORT.TV 5 Olivedesportos 08:00-03:00 16:9 SDTV
25 SPORT.TV 1 HD Olivedesportos 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
26 SPORT.TV 2 HD Olivedesportos 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
28 SPORT.TV 4 HD Olivedesportos 13:00-03:00 16:9 SDTV
30 BTV 1 Sport Lisboa e Benfica 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
33 BTV 2 HD Sport Lisboa e Benfica 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
35 Sporting TV Sporting Clube de Portugal 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
36 Eurosport HD Eurosport Group (Discovery) 07:00-02:30 16:9 HDTV
37 Eurosport Eurosport Group (Discovery) 07:00-02:30 16:9 SDTV
38 Eurosport 2 Eurosport Group (Discovery) 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
39 Eurosport News Eurosport Group (Discovery) 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
40 Disney Channel English audio track available for most shows The Walt Disney Company 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
41 SIC K Impresa 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
42 Biggs Known as Panda Biggs until 01/12/2013. Dreamia 05:00-01:00 4:3 SDTV
43 Canal Panda Dreamia 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
44 Disney Junior English audio track available for most shows The Walt Disney Company 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
45 JimJam AMC Networks 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
46 BabyTV FOX International Channels 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
47 Cartoon Network Portugal English audio track available for most shows Turner Broadcasting System Europe, Ltd. 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
50 TVCine 1 TVCine 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
51 TVCine 2 TVCine 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
52 TVCine 3 TVCine 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
53 TVCine 4 TVCine 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
62 Cinemundo unknown 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
63 Canal Hollywood Dreamia 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
64 Canal Hollywood Dreamia 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
66 FOX Movies FOX International Channels 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
67 AMC AMC Networks Latin America 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
70 TVSéries TVCine 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
80 AXN HD Sony Pictures Television International 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
82 AXN Black HD Sony Pictures Television International 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
84 AXN White HD Sony Pictures Television International 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
87 Syfy NBCUniversal 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
90 FOX HD FOX International Channels 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
92 FOX Life HD FOX International Channels 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
94 FOX Crime HD FOX International Channels 08:00-03:00 16:9 HDTV
96 FX FOX International Channels 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
100 MTV Portugal MTV Networks Portugal 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
102 E! NBCUniversal 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
103 CBS Reality CBS 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
104 TLC Discovery 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
105 A&E History Chanel Iberia (AMC Networks) 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
109 Fashion TV Portugal Michel-Adam Lizowski 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
111 Travel Channel HD Scripps 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
115 24Kitchen HD FOX International Channels 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
120 Discovery Channel Spanish feed with Portuguese breaks Discovery 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
124 Odisseia Spanish feed until March 2011 AMC Networks Iberia 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
125 História Spanish feed until March 2012 The History Channel Iberia (AMC Networks) 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
130 National Geographic Channel HD FOX International Channels 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
133 Nat Geo Wild Eastern European feed FOX International Channels 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
140 VH1 Viacom 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
142 Trace Urban Trace Partners 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
144 MCM TOP Lagardère Active 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
148 Afro Music Afro Music 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
152 Mezzo Lagardère Active 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
153 C-Music TV C-Music Entertainment Ltd. 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
151 Mezzo Live HD Lagardère Active 24 hours 16:9 HDTV
161 Fuel TV FLUID Youth Culture 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
162 Motors TV Motors TV 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
167 Caçavision Grupo V Media 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
168 Toros TV Canal+ España 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
169 PFC Grupo Globo 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
170 Realmadrid Televisión Real Madrid 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
173 Chelsea TV Chelsea FC 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
180 Globo Premium Grupo Globo 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
182 TV Record Europa Grupo Record 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
183 Record News Europa Grupo Record 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
203 Euronews SOCEMIE 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
204 CNN International Turner 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
205 SKY News International feed British SKY Broadcasting 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
206 FOX News Channel International feed 21st Century FOX 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
207 BBC World News European feed British Broadcasting Corporation 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
208 Al-Jazeera English Al-Jazeera 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
209 France 24 (English) France 24 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
211 TVE 24h Radiotelevisión Española 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
212 CNBC Europe NBCUniversal and Dow Jones 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
213 Bloomberg TV Bloomberg 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
219 ARTV Assembleia da República varies 4:3 SDTV
220 Galicia TV Europa CRTVG 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
221 TVE Internacional Radiotelevisión Española 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
222 Cubavisión Internacional Instituto Cubano de Radio y Televisión 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
224 TV5MONDE TV5MONDE, S.A. 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
227 DW-TV Alters between German and English hourly Deutsche Welle (ARD) 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
229 RTP África Rádio e Televisão de Portugal 24 hours mixed 16:9 and 4:3 SDTV
290 Playboy TV Playboy 24 hours 16:9 SDTV
291 Venus Claxson 24 hours 4:3 SDTV
293 HOT Hotgold 24 hours 16:9 SDTV

The following radio stations are available from channel 500:

  • RFM
  • Rádio Renascença
  • Antena 1
  • M80
  • Cidade
  • Antena 3
  • Mega Hits
  • Rádio Sim
  • Smooth FM
  • Antena 2
  • RDP África
  • Antena 1 Fado
  • Antena 2 Ópera
  • Antena 3 Dance
  • Antena 3 Rock
  • Radio Lusitânia